
Non-disturbing Advertisement

A solution of payments for web content

Far most websites are available free of charge to their users and many of them get the funds they need through advertisement. Such a business model has its flaws and there have been many proposals to improve it, however, none of them successful. In the following text I present a workable solution designed with user comfort on the first place.

In a Nutshell

Advertisement is a good thing if made sensibly. I myself appreciate being invited to a concert I would normally notice only a week after its date, or to an exposition it would take me hours to find. The right advert can help a man change his job for the better or suggest to take vacation that brings us back our will to live. Even shopping for household items can make some good, given a bit of conscious effort. For what reason then I use two different plug-ins to spare me of web banners?

The trouble is this: advertisement displays when I intend to concentrate on something else. It is really disturbing to hear children crying about the quality of their orange juice when I wanted to play some dance music aloud. When checking for a bus that leaves off in five minutes, I will certainly not stop to read about a wellness hotel. It only turns to pain as the advertisement shouts louder, begins to cover my whole display and tries by all means available to get my attention. As long as banners do not serve narcotics, I will not surrender my attention. I want to do some work and everything apart from clear responses to my requests is noise.

Let us invent a pre-paid system. I would visit the website of an advert company and carefully read several job offers, I would skim a list of colorful images and maybe even I would have a laugh at a funny video. For that effort of mine, I would gain a debit in the value of several cents, and that would save in my web browser. When browsing the web later the appropriate amount would be just withdrawn from my account. Was there a video banner to display? I have watched it yesterday afternoon, though. Now I see just a blank rectangle. Purity is beauty, and concentration is one of these invaluable gifts of life that we must appreciate.


This solution is really simple from a technical point of view. What is only left is the advertisement servers to implement it.

There is no need for any more paragraphs.